Big Ideas in Computer Technologies






This subject introduces you to 3 areas in computer tech and then gives you a month to explore the one that interests you the most.

Areas of Study

Data analysis

  • Investigate a question that interests you, possibly with a partner
  • Learn to use spreadsheets to do the calculations for you
  • Examples from past years:
  • Is longer sleep related to better grades?
  • Are gamers more likely to have fast reflexes?

Computer programming

  • Learn to instruct the computer to draw shapes
  • Write programs that ask the user questions and respond to them

3D modelling

  • Build realistic models of 3D objects like coffee cups
  • Print your model on our 3D printers

Independent project

Pursue an area of interest from the above 3
• Write a program that hides a message in a greyscale image
• Animate a scene in 3D
• Research cryptography, the art of passing secret messages


  • Individual or pair work: Ask a question and answer it using surveys
  • Write simple computer programs
  • Learn and demonstrate an advanced skill in one of the areas covered in this course


Foundation for Applied Computing in VCE.

Design and Technology




This Unit further extends your practical and problem solving skills with a focus on designing for a sustainable future.

Continuing to engage with the design process, it aims to provide you with the knowledge about materials and techniques and skills that can be used to transform no longer wanted clothing/textiles items into upcycled, reconceptualised and unique products.

Some of the techniques include:

  • Draping
  • Visible mending
  • Deconstruction
  • Pattern redevelopment

You will have the space to develop unique design solutions.
You will develop a more critical awareness of Design and Technology from the perspectives of both consumer and designer.
You will broaden your awareness of the roles and responsibilities of designers in relation to the UN Sustainable Development Goals.


  • Design – a folio of design and planning tasks
  • Production – Production assessment is based on your application to, and quality of finish of the major product(s) based on the design brief requirements.
  • Journal and Evaluation
  • Examination

The Menu




This course is designed for students to build on their expertise and become more specialised in their approach to food and food preparation. They develop specific knowledge about the variety of foods suited to menu items and the cookery methods used to create textural appeal and contrast.

From this knowledge they should be able to make informed decisions to design and create menus and menu items. Students will use a variety of tools and equipment to complete more complex processes and techniques. They will develop work-plans to assist in the production process so as to manage time and resources, identify issues and then critically review the end product.

They will make adjustments as required. They will examine sources of food and seasonality to address aspects of sustainability.


Assessment is based on a number of practical activities, a report and a major design task.


  • VCE Food Studies
  • VET Certificate II in Hospitality