Unit 1



The first area of study provides students with a general introduction to the concepts of political actors and power at a national level. They study individuals and organisations, and examine contested domestic political issues to build on their understanding of what it is to think politically.

In the second area of study students analyse the power, interests and perspectives of global political actors and evaluate their political significance. A range of contemporary global issues are studied.

Unit Prerequisites


Areas of Study

  • Power and national political actors
  • Power and global political actors

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Unit Assessment

Assessment includes:

  • Essay
  • Short answer tests
  • Research Task
  • Extended responses-examination


Lawyer, social commentator, journalist, activist, economist, investigator, academic, lobbyist, policy maker social justice advocate politician, researcher, school teacher, advisor, social media campaigner, travel writer, university lecturer, diplomat.

View Political Careers Pathway

Unit 2




In the first area of study students consider the key principles of democracy, and examine the role of democracy in Australia’s institutions and decision making processes.  Students will be able to choose a political issue to focus on, such as Media ownership, First Nations Voice to Parliament, Women and power or Big money and democracy.

In the second area of study students analyse global challenges to the principles of democracy, through an in-depth investigation of a global issue or crisis.  Possible topics include authoritarianism, sustainability and resource security or State use of violence.

Unit Prerequisites


Areas of Study

  • Issues for Australia’s democracy
  • Global challenges to democracy

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Unit Assessment

Assessment includes:

  • Essay
  • Short answer tests
  • Research Task
  • Extended responses-examination


Lawyer, social commentator, journalist, activist, economist, investigator, academic, lobbyist, policy maker social justice advocate politician, researcher, school teacher, advisor, social media campaigner, travel writer, university lecturer, diplomat.

View Political Careers Pathway

Global Politics
Unit 3+4




Unit 3 examines the key actors in contemporary global world including states, IGO’s , TNC and non-state actors, where their power comes from, their impact and what challenges they face in achieving their aims. The degree to which these global actors exercise and challenge state sovereignty is also examined.

The second area of study considers power and the pursuit of national interests by a specific Asia-Pacific state.

Unit 4 focuses on ethical issues and debates in global politics such as people movement, development, human rights and arms control. Global crises such as climate change, armed conflict, economic instability and terrorism are discussed; looking at the causes, responses and the challenges to effective resolution.

Unit Prerequisites

Unit 1 or Unit 2 Australian and Global Politics is recommended but not essential

Areas of Study

  • Global actors
  • Power in the Asia-Pacific
  • Ethical issues and debates
  • Global crises

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Unit Assessment

  • Unit 3 SACS 25%
  • Unit 4 SACS 25%
  • End of unit examination 50%

Assessment includes:

  • An analytical essay
  • Short answer tests
  • Extended responses


Lawyer, social commentator, journalist, activist, economist, investigator, academic, lobbyist, policy maker social justice advocate politician, researcher, school teacher, advisor, social media campaigner, travel writer, university lecturer, diplomat.

View Political Careers Pathway