Technology | Choose Two Units

Students in Year 9 are able to choose two Technology electives to study (1 for each semester).



Cafe Culture




Melbourne is one of the most liveable cities in the world. Food and food culture are an integral part of our community, when we connect with friends and family, sharing food is at the centre of our experiences. If you are a ‘foodie’ who wants to taste and try and likes to bake this could be for you! Over the semester you will investigate, generate, produce and evaluate design problems to propose solutions. You will work independently and as part of a team when proposing these solutions.


This semester length unit will examine

  • Food history in Melbourne
  • The development of our café scene
  • Role of food in women’s support groups
  • How new foods are introduced


Food Safari




The purpose of this semester length unit is to study food through the cuisines of selected countries. The students examine a range of influences that affect food selection and identify foods linked to specific cultures.

In production classes there is an emphasis on interpersonal learning where co-operative group work is required. The students communicate with each other to complete set tasks safely and hygienically.

The students complete a range of investigations and production tasks with each topic.


Students are assessed independently and in teams when completing major design tasks which also incorporate research and investigation. They complete analysis and evaluation of their own and their partner’s finished product.


Hoodie Design





Develop your own customised pattern from your favourite hoodie.

You will have the opportunity to explore the design possibilities that can be generated from your own favourite hoodie. By tracing and creating a pattern from it, you will investigate possible design scenarios and explore new design opportunities.

With a focus on sustainable design methods, you will learn how to make your new hoodie-like garment, integrating a screen print design to further customise the final design.


  • A design folio of both in-class and homework tasks that demonstrate creative and critical thinking.
  • The major finished item, journal and evaluation
  • Your production work assessment is based on your application to practical classes, the major finished item


Textile Design Techniques




Learn to apply a variety of textile dyeing and decorating techniques in the creation of your own customised textile product.

You will have the opportunity to explore a range of techniques that can be applied to textiles/textile products. After trialling techniques such as dyeing, felting, embroidery and beading you will investigate possible applications for these techniques, and explore an opportunity to create your own unique product – eg. vest, clutch or other small bag.


  • A design folio of both in-class and homework tasks that demonstrate creative and critical thinking.
  • The major finished item, journal and evaluation
  • Your production work assessment is based on your application to practical classes, the major finished item


Digital Technology |
Creating Tomorrow’s World: AI and Automation.




Year 9 Digital Technologies: Creating Tomorrow’s World: AI and Automation

Tomorrow’s world won’t build itself. Will you help us make it happen?

Artificial Intelligence

  • Teach your laptop to recognise different fruits
  • Teach your laptop to recognise different spoken words


  • Use sensors to automate a greenhouse: Water it and control its temperature automatically
  • Use sensors to make a light turn on when it’s dark and a fan turn on when it gets warm.
  • Open a garage door when a car approaches


  • Demonstrate your understanding with small tasks
  • Construct a team project: Design, build, code and demonstrate a digital solution. E.g. Use AI to detect who’s outside and either open the door automatically or sound an alarm.


Digital Technology: Web Design




In Web Design, you learn to make web sites using the latest industry standards. We start by making one simple webpage and then learn to make websites that adjust to the size of the device: Laptop, mobile phone, tablet. In the end, you create a website for a real business. You’ll be amazed by what you can accomplish.

We also dedicate a couple of weeks to have fun with technology. We sometimes learn to make electronic music. We may also train the computer to draw interesting shapes to to recognise the colours of objects that we hold in front of the camera.

Areas of Study

  • Basics of HTML and CSS, the languages used to make websites
  • Responsive web design: How to make sites look different on screens of different sizes
  • Interactive webpages: Programming in Javascript.


There are two assessments:

  • A website created by you about a topic you like
  • A website created with a friend for a real business


This subject stands by itself. However, you can further your digital skills in the following year by choosing Big Ideas in Computer Technologies.