Teachers Spark, Amplify and Evolve at Avila College
“The best conference I have been to in years!”
What was it that prompted this response from so many participants at the Spark, Amplify, Evolve conference held at Avila College on May 29 2015?
It could be one of many things: the passionate sharing of stories of classroom innovation by Avila teachers, the challenges to traditional thinking posed by Summer Howarth and Aaron Tait from Education Changemakers, the professional conversations shared while experiencing the exotic flavours of the lunch created by the Asylum Seeker Resource Centre caterers.
While it may be a challenge to pin down the individual cause or combination of causes, it was evident from the buzz both in and in-between the sessions, that something amazing was taking place. Around 140 educators from Avila College as well as a range of Catholic and Government Secondary Schools, the Catholic Education Office and Monash University shared in an exploration of what teacher led innovation looks like at Avila. The final session focused on enhancing our skills in designing new learning experiences for our students. The day has stimulated a lot of new thinking about education and left us with the exciting question; “Where to from here?”
Jason Isma
Professional Practice Leader